Close-up and side views of the right speaker.
Close-up view of the right amp and crossover, amp is 5842 direct coupled to a 2A3 or 45, Single Ended. Rectifier is a 5AR4. Amps are on about revision 60, they started life as 2A3 monoblocks, capacitor coupled. I tried interstage transformer coupleing with some inexpensive ($15US) Allied Electronics ITs, and even with the el-cheapo ITs it was still a huge step up from the Audio Note paper in oil coupling caps I had been using. I also tried using a 26 is a driver, with an IT with a 3:1 stepup ratio to get the required voltage gain, but I could never get the 26 quiet enough to use. Next I tried direct coupling, which was another step up. I still want to try IT coupling again sometime with decent ITs, but I've got other things to spend my money on for now. I swapped back and forth between 2A3s and 45s several times, with each different coupling scheme, also tried each with the old stock 2A3 monoplates I have. In every case I liked the 2A3 monoplates and 45s the best, but I've only got three, and they're too expensive. The doubling of power with the 2A3s is nice, but the 45 is still enough power with my current speakers, I've got about 30, and they're cheap, so that's what I settled on. A PDF version of the schematic is available. Crossover is 780Hz, first order, with Alpha Core foil inductors and oil caps.
An earlier DIY turntable project:
On the left, the Rek-o-Kut K-33 turntable that provided the platter and bearing for the turntable I'm in the process of building.
On the right, an in progress view from the top of my DIY turntable. Turntable is a string driven turntable based on a Rek-o-Kut K-33 bearing and platter with a Kenwood direct drive turntable being used as a motor. Plinth is a five layer 3/4" MDF with 1/8" cork and DynaMat used as constrained layer damping. One of these days I'll get around to building a matching plinth/base for the Kenwood motor...