Welcome to Roscoe Primrose's DIY First System Page!
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The Past
View of the original low power system I built in the spring of '97. I still hadn't gotten the turntable (a Thorens TD-126MKIII at the time) out of it's box since we'd just moved. System consisted of a Theta Data Basic (about the only thing to have survived the recent upheavals in the system), a Counterpoint DA-10 DAC, homebuilt passive line stage, and homebuilt cap coupled 5842/2A3 SE monoblocks. Speakers were Onken style reflex enclosures with 15" Pyle speakers, with Altec 511B/808-8As, 1st order passive crossovers. I was inspired to build this system after hearing my first SE triodes and horns system, which consisted of a tri-amped system consisting of a huge double-Onken enclosure with 2 Altec 515Bs per side, Altec 803Bs with Altec 288Cs for midrange, and Altec 811Bs with TAD 2001s for highs. Amplifiers consisted of custom made OTL amps (pentodes, actaully), Wavelength Cardinal 300B monoblocks for mids and, I think, Fi 2A3 monoblocks for the highs. Sources included a Verdier turntable and an Audiolab (?) CD transport/DAC. I was hooked right on the spot!