Poul Ladegaard's Air Bearing Tangential Tonearm!

Translation of descriptive notes:
- Carbon fibre arm tube from racket, with an outer diameter of 7.5 mm.
- Bracket for fastening of arm tube, made from 3 mm brass with 3 mm thread.
- Counter weight (made from lead), tightly fitted and then carefully squeeze
fastened to the arm tube after the right tracking force has been set.
- Lift, made from bent 2 mm thick wire and supported at two holes in the
supporting blocks.
- Knife blade
- Rest for knife blade if a harder material than aluminum is desired.
Alternatively it can be used as a simple height adjustment for the arm.
- 3 mm nut.
- Flange, made from a piece of 2 x 15 x 15 mm angle aluminum profile.
- 'Floater' made of 2 x 20 x 20 or 3 x 20 x 20 mm angle aluminum. Length is
18 cm.
- Arm base with air holes of diameter 2.5 mm drilled 2 cm apart. Angle
aluminum as in 9), but 30 cm long.
- A narrow strip of double sided adhesive tape, optionally with a little
contact glue to get the joint between the tape pieces perfectly air tight.
- Aluminum angle as in 9), but 30 cm long and with a hole for a 5 mm piece
of pipe to connect to air hose.
- Wires to cartridge. Choose only the best and emphasize flexibility highly.
Teflon insulated wires are too stiff.
- Tape with 0.3 mm holes, made with, for instance, a syringe needle.
- Air film of thickness 20-60 micrometers.
- 5 mm pipe for air supply.
- Air hose.
- Support block. Can be acryl, or as here, made from black painted wood.
Can easily be made from two pieces with a 45 degree cut glued together.
The support block can finally be glued to the turntable for continuous use.
Double sided tape works fine in the experimental phase, and perhaps even
NB! The drawing is not exact to scale.